Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Favorite Deck?

I'm often asked what is my "favorite deck", and I have to say it is the "Spiral Tarot" by Kay Steventon. It is a deck in the Rider-Waite tradition, and has a cool color scheme, with artwork that is of a variety of styles. I have many decks, but have found that this particular deck easily forms a connection with me, allowing my intuition to really flow freely!  The images seem to "jump" out to me, and I never need to look a the card title; information starts falling into place in a very compelling way for me, allowing me to experience my feelings about what I am seeing.

I have found that this deck is very good for me to use in readings involving relationships and questions about emotional issues.  It also is very sensitive to helping understand and speak to my client's inner worries and fears.  No matter what other decks I may have with me, I always am careful to be sure that I have this deck available in the event that another deck is feeling too 'closed' to me that particular day.

As a visual fine artist, I am very aware of the effect that color has for me, physically, emotionally, psychologically, and intuitively.  Some decks that gather rave reviews from other tarot readers leave me cold, and it's the colors and artwork combined that either immidiately trigger my response or not. To me it is like a form of shorthand; certain colors and shapes set up a unique response intuitively for me, and it is easy to 'ride' these waves of information, once that channel is opened up.

This deck is my old friend, and one that I rely on for accurate and timely information. What decks have you worked with, and what favorites do you have? I love hearing from you!

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