Thursday, September 29, 2011

Long Lost Friends

Green Septagram Mandala

I spent some time today going through my books and rearranging my bookshelves. I have quite a collection of Tarot, spiritual and metaphysical books, and I was preparing a box of books that I wanted to pass along. On the bottom shelf, I had a box that had been there quite a while, and I couldn't recall what was in it. Pulling it open, I was surprised to discover a collection of old Tarot decks that I had put away a long time ago!  I spent some time opening the boxes, and flipping through the decks . . . . old friends that I had decided to set aside for whatever reason. Maybe the artwork didn't connect with me then, or the deck was too large, too ackward to handle, was not a deck that became a 'favorite' of mine. As time passed, I developed 'favorites' and worked with certain decks that really 'spoke' to me And I had filed these "mismatches" away; not wanting to get rid of them, but maybe in the future, I would be able to adjust to them, and then find that these could be approached once again. I'm glad I stored these away, as I did find 3 that did seem to resonate with me now, and I am eager to work with them and incorporate these into my work.  I realized that nothing about the cards had changed, but I had.  My work with the Tarot has facilitated change within myself. This change has allowed me to grow and increase my understanding so that the symbols and colors of these decks now resonate with me.  And by the same token, I have some decks that I have been using up till now, that I need to retire for a bit, as they have done their job and brought me to the place I am today.  I love uncovering suprises!

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